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Same-Day Biohazard Cleanup

  • Available 24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a WeekAvailable 24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week
  • Trained & ExperiencedTrained & Experienced
  • Direct Insurance Billing May be AvailableDirect Insurance Billing May be Available
24/7 Emergency

Proudly Serving
The Your Location Area

Local pros are ready to help at a moment’s notice. Call 24/7 for fast, safe, and professional service.

What is Considered Biohazard Waste?

Human blood and anything saturated with it.
Human body fluids: saliva, semen, cerebral spinal fluid, amniotic fluid, synovial fluid, and others.
Any blood in liquid or semi-liquid form (and anything saturated with it.
Pathological waste: body parts, organs, and human tissue.
Microbiological waste: laboratory waste, including blood or bodily fluids in lab containers, discarded cultures, results or cultures, and other discarded materials.
Sharps objects such as syringes, medical needles, and lancets.
Animal Waste: carcasses, body parts and any bedding materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have biohazard professionals standing by 24/7 to answer any questions you have. Call (855) 701-3814 now!

Biohazards can pose serious health and safety risks if they’re not dealt with professionally. You should always call a professional right away, rather than trying to clean an affected area yourself. Our contractors take care of every step in the process, restoring safety as quickly as possible:

  • Prevent Cross Contamination
  • Properly Dispose of the Biohazard & Any Contaminated Materials
  • Clean, Disinfect, and Deodorize the Affected Area
  • Rebuild & Restore any Damage